Day after day, we go to the same place, with the same people, doing the same job. It’s not to say that life is monotonous but that we get into a daily rhythm that we’ve gotten used to. At the beginning of 2020, our normality was shaken and we’re still living in a different world today. COVID-19 has forced businesses, families, and individuals to adapt and change without warning and overall, everyone deserves praise for their achievement. Workplaces might not be the same again, and this doesn’t have to be negative. As a nation we’re made some positive changes, that could be here to stay. Working Remotely Can WorkTo keep businesses going, remote working has been implemented where necessary. For most offices, the option to work from home was never on the table, but across the board it’s been possible and effective. Whilst it’s not everyone’s first choice of working environment, there is now tried and tested evidence that supports this working method. Therefore, if and when needed the option is easier to implement, with positive feedback. Mental Health SupportA topic we continue to talk and learn about, especially in the workplace. Through tough times, the mental health topic has been raised and the awareness is at a all time high. As an employer, employee, and friend, it’s about communicating, seeing the signs and supporting those around you. Business DirectionsDue to the unforeseen circumstances, there wasn’t a chance of planning for such a scenario. It’s overwhelming to see how businesses have come together and also migrated into different directions to make sure they could survive the hard times. Guiding a business into new realms is a risk, but for some this bravery has paid off. The Power of Online PlatformsOnline platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram have been life savers when it comes to keeping touch. And that’s with both colleagues and customers. The secret to using social media is unlocking the access to millions of people and creating a following for your brand. The use of these platforms have kept us relevant, remembered and best of all engaging with followers when we weren’t able to hold meetings or gatherings. | |